yay for spring!


’tis the season for dandelion eating!  I saw my first blossom yesterday in the garden. The roots are great and so are the leaves and so are the blossoms. What an amazing plant, no wonder folks brought it with them when they settled from Europe.  I’m enjoying my roasted dandelion root tea (with chicory and a touch of burdock) with a touch honey and coconut milk.

In other garden news, yesterday in herb class we steeped fresh horehound leaves in honey and in six weeks we’ll have a great remedy for the lungs; it’s also just a good blood cleanser for this modern lifestyle.

I’ve been watering my carrot seeds twice a day so they don’t dry out, but no germination yet. I think there must be something to the “watched pot never boils.” Right after I planted our cold-frame (basically a little glass box mini-greenhouse) we went out of town and when I came back, the plants were up. Now is the time for thinning in the cold-frame and I can’t say I’m the best at it. I want to leave all the plants to get big, but it just doesn’t work like that. I go back and forth between carefully selecting which plant to pull and indiscriminately taking my scissors out to harvest a little salad.

I’m ready for the deer to stop tromping through the garden, but they haven’t fully moved up into the hills yet. So, no tulips for me, yet again. It’s actually become humorous to watch them grow and be mown down in the night. I’m glad the deer left me some crocus blossoms to enjoy; I’ve been eating out in the garden and marveling at their perfect purple and white forms.


well, I’m back from the tour and all I can think about is the garden.

we’ve been out daily picking up the winter trash that is now revealed (where does it all come from?) moving rocks, adding compost and putting in seeds. Today I put in some carrot rows with lettuce in between and am debating using row cover or just diligently keep them watered.

mmmmmmm. . . . .

I’ve been taking herbalism classes this year and am in LOVE with the medicinal herbs. What bounty. What resources. What healing! Yay Alicia for sharing her knowledge with this community.

Right now it is the season for dandelion root and greens as well as chicory root and greens. Dig the roots, wash them, roast them gently in the oven and make a tea that you can use as coffee replacement (yes, it’s a little bit bitter). Use the little green leaves in salads. Yes, they’re a little bitter too but that is where some of the medicine comes from – this helps clear out any winter stagnation and prepare the body for spring and summer!

I’m also in love with St. John’s Wort oil right now. It’s great to rub into your skin for muscle aches and it helps restore damaged nerves. You can find out more here. Last year Garden Planet, in Paonia, CO sold some great starts and I’m hoping to find it (and other great herbs) there again this year.

Equinox is nearly here and I’m excited to see how it will change things as we tip towards the sun.